Program Schedule
Program details are subject to change.
View the schedule-at-a-glance.
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Accessible Data Communication and Visualization | Negeen Aghassibake, University of Washington Maggie Faber, Unversity of Washington | Pavilion Ballroom East |
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Practicing Participation: Tools, Techniques, and Process for Participatory Design in Library Assessment | Scott Young, Montana State University | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Communicating and Using Assessment Data for Change and Impact | Becky Croxton, Colorado State University Libraries Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University | Pavilion Ballroom East |
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | What Makes It a Library? Approaches to Library Space Assessment | Valrie Minson, University of Florida Libraries Laura Spears, University of Florida | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Exploring Holistic Impacts of Whiteness on Collection Building Practices | Arthur Aguilera, University of Colorado Boulder Amanda Rybin Koob, University of Colorado Boulder | Broadway 1/2 |
8:45 a.m.–10:00 a.m. | Grand Ballroom
Keynote —"Equity-Centered Assessment: A Call to Action for Libraries"
Equity-centered assessment places equity at the core of both the process and the product of our assessment work. In this keynote, we will embark on a dynamic exploration of how assessment can be transformed to actively dismantle inequities. Together, we'll examine key insights from over 500 higher education professionals who are navigating the complexities of integrating equity into their assessment practices. With a particular focus on the role libraries can play in closing equity gaps in educational outcomes, we'll delve into actionable strategies to advance equity at individual, organizational, and systemic levels—while confronting the barriers that persist. This session invites you to not only reimagine what’s possible but to lead the way in creating equitable learning environments through intentional, data-informed, and equity-centered practices.
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Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | A collaborative assessment approach: Evaluation of an advanced searching workshop | Kim Bates, University of Alberta Megan Kennedy, University of Alberta | Galleria North |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | An assessment project of research consultations | Megan Kennedy, University of Alberta Lucinda Johnston, University of Alberta Libraries | Galleria North |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Faculty Opinion of Subject Librarians | Duane Wilson, Brigham Young University | Galleria North |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Using analytics and qualitative methods to improve and sustain online tutorials and research guides | Samantha Harlow, UNC Greensboro Joshua Olsen, University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Combining Circulation and Citation Metrics to Assess an Approval Profile | John Russell, The Pennsylvania State University Andrei Mihailovic, Marquette University | Galleria South |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Our Future is in the Past - The Predictive Power of Consortial ILL Transaction Data | Steve Smith, University of Massachusetts Boston | Galleria South |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Using themes in area studies collection descriptions to assess strength | Ambra Gagliardi, University of Utah | Galleria South |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | The ReShare Paradigm — What can we achieve? | Karin Gilje, University of Pennsylvania | Galleria South |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Building Things to Break: Ambiguity as an Interface for Library Assessment | Joshua Herter, University of Winnipeg Gabrielle Prefontaine | Pavilion Ballroom West |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | KnitBI: Stitching Together Library Data with Power BI | Cairo Sanders, University of Victoria | Pavilion Ballroom West |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Navigating the forest with tree diagrams to visualize library research support | Sarah Murphy, The Ohio State University | Pavilion Ballroom West |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Reflective storytelling in research and evaluation before, during, and after COVID-19 | Martha Kyrillidou, QualityMetrics LLC | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Wonders of Data: Planning, Assessment, and Storytelling | Brooke Doyle, OCLC Research Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., OCLC Research | Broadway 1/2 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Assessment: Using the New Proficiencies to Initiate Learning Plans for You and Your Colleagues | Becky Croxton, Colorado State University Libraries Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University Jung Mi Scoulas, University of Illinois Chicago | Pavilion Ballroom East |
Lunch & Sponsor Spotlights
12:45–1:55 p.m. | Grand Ballroom
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
2:25 PM - 4:25 PM | Assessing Environmental Sustainability in Canadian University Libraries’ Strategic Plans | Paige Roman, McMaster University Nicole Doro, McMaster University | Galleria North |
2:25 PM - 4:25 PM | (The Problem with) UN SDGs as a Measure of Sustainability in Academic Libraries, and an Exploration of Alternatives | Nicole Doro, McMaster University | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM | Academic Library Managers: A Conversation about the Gaps and Opportunities for Professional Development | Kathleen Bell, George Mason University Dani Brecher Cook, UC San Diego Maoria Kirker, George Mason University Julie Adamo, Middlebury College Kim Nayyer, Cornell Law School | Pavilion Ballroom East |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM | Ethics, Evaluation, AI, and Storytelling: Data Lenses on Library Assessment | Ashley Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Lisa Hinchliffe Kate McDowell Scott Young, Montana State University Kyle Jones | Grand Ballroom |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
2:25 PM - 3:15 PM | Discussion of: The Data Detective—Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics | Anne Koenig, University of Pittsburgh Jennifer Moon-Chung, University of Pittsburgh | Broadway 1/2 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM | A Conversation on Critical Assessment: Where are we now? | Maggie Faber, Unversity of Washington Jackie Belanger, University of Washington Libraries | Broadway 1/2 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
2:25 PM - 4:25 PM | How a value-based prioritization system created demonstrable equity work for Multnomah County Library’s projects and initiatives | Elizabeth O'Neill Annie Lewis, Multnomah County Library | Broadway 3/4 |
5:00–6:30 p.m. | Plaza Foyer
Join us for a drink and light bites at our Welcome Mixer and network and connect with other attendees!
7:00–8:45 a.m. | Grand Ballroom
Breakfast available in Grand Ballroom
Proceedings Input | Galleria North
Time | Name | Location Name |
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM | Proceedings Input | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
8:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Consortium Complications: Scholars Portal’s Service Assessment Framework and the Evaluation of the Accessible Content ePortal | Sabina Pagotto, Scholars Portal | Ontario Council of University Libraries | Galleria North |
8:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Local Taxonomies Supporting Campus Analysts: Integrating Research Impact and Data Visualization Services | Sarah Murphy, The Ohio State University | Galleria North |
8:45 AM - 10:45 AM | What’s on your website?: Findings From a Nationwide Inventory of Basic Needs Services on Library Websites | Sindy Lopez, Ithaka S+R Sage J. Love, Ithaka S+R | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
8:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Powering up your data work with Excel's PowerQuery | Angela Zoss, Duke University Libraries | Broadway 1/2 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
8:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Empowering Libraries: Assessment Tools for Examining Campus Engagement and Library Use for Student-Centric Success | Sandra De Groote, University of Illinois Chicago Jung Mi Scoulas, University of Illinois Chicago | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
8:45 AM - 9:35 AM | Educating for Assessment | Kara Malenfant, Dominican University Kawanna Bright, East Carolina University Lisa Hinchliffe Starr Hoffman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University Stephanie Crespo-Méndez, Syracuse University | Pavilion Ballroom East |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | AI and Library Assessment: A world of learning and opportunities | Martha Kyrillidou, QualityMetrics LLC | Galleria North |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Beyond OERs: Using an environmental scan process and an AI assistant to evaluate the current OER and Open Practice landscape | Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, University of Utah | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | No “One Size Fits All”: An Array of Approaches for Assessing the Library’s Contributions to Student Learning | Becky Croxton, Colorado State University Libraries Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University Jung Mi Scoulas, University of Illinois Chicago Kenneth Varnum Shane Nackerud | Pavilion Ballroom West |
12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. | Grand Ballroom
Lunch is available in the Grand Ballroom with a keynote session
12:35 p.m. | Keynote —"Activating Your Leadership to Advance Inclusion"
When “DEI” is being mischaracterized and weaponized, how should we structure a commitment to access and inclusion? In what ways might we better leverage our organizations’ missions to lead transformation? How can we better center the needs of students and other constituents while fielding attacks on our work?
In consideration of a range of influences on the future of higher education, shared equity leadership (SEL; Kezar et al., 2021) can help organize improvements, support collaboration, and provide clarity around how to make advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion everyone’s work. In this keynote Dr. Sonia DeLuca Fernández will introduce SEL and focus on the potentials for new conceptualizations of accountability and how your leadership is critical to re/creating practices that support access and inclusion.
View Slides (PDF)
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Interpretive Description: A practical, rigorous qualitative approach for applied research | Laura Gariepy, Virginia Commonwealth University | Grand Ballroom |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Press Here for More Data: Advanced Tracking with Simple Technology | Sarah Leonard, United States Military Academy at West Point | Grand Ballroom |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Quality assessment of Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina libraries based on UX management model | Soledad Lago, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina | Grand Ballroom |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Regrounding the theory of LibQual for mid-century: a qualitative study | Colleen Cook, McGill University | Grand Ballroom |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Please, not another climate survey: Lessons learned from a diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility focus group study | Jen-chien Yu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Show Me the Data: Using Numbers to Drive DEI Progress in Libraries and IT | Katherine Furlong, Bucknell University David Consiglio, Bryn Mawr College | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Success Beyond the Stacks: Narratives of Former BIPOC Students in Academic Library Employment | Vashalice Kaaba, Florida State University | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | To Benchmark or not to Benchmark: Should We Do Peer Comparisons in Academic Library EDI Assessment? | Kawanna Bright, East Carolina University | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | At the intersection of information literacy and written communication: Assessing students’ source-based writing | Sarah Dahlen, California State University, Monterey Bay | Pavilion Ballroom East |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Empowering Librarians to Support Students Navigating College with College Fluency | Elmira Jangjou, Ithaka S+R Melissa Blankstein, Ithaka S+R | Pavilion Ballroom East |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Creating a culture of sustainable relational student consultation in support of library service assessment | Karen Munro, University of Victoria Courtney Lundrigan, University of Victoria Libraries | Pavilion Ballroom East |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Using Data Parties to Engage Students in the Survey Lifecycle | Angela Zoss, Duke University Libraries | Pavilion Ballroom East |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
1:50 PM - 3:50 PM | Facilitation Techniques for Connection, Engagement, and Quality Feedback | Anita Hall, University of Louisville Libraries | Broadway 1/2 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | Building Cross-Campus Collaborations | Maggie Faber, Unversity of Washington Jackie Belanger, University of Washington Libraries | Galleria North |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | Partnering with Alumni Donor Board: Leveraging outside expertise to enhance a donor engagement initiative | Steve Borrelli, Penn State University Libraries Robin Tate, Penn State University Libraries | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | Open House: Socializing Assessment and User Experience Within Your Library | Katherine Ahnberg, Princeton University Library | Pavilion Ballroom West |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | Using assessment as a tool for relationship-building: proving need, gaining traction with your strategic goals, and demonstrating a dedication to equity | Michael Harris, Utah State University Lindsay Ozburn, Utah State University | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | A Multi-method Analysis of Faculty Perspectives on Open Access Publishing | Lori-Ann Tschirhart, University of Michigan Craig Smith, University of Michigan | Grand Ballroom |
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM | "Transform to Open": Analysis & Insight for Transformative Agreements at the University of Miami | Kineret Ben Knaan, University of Miami | Grand Ballroom |
6:30–8:30 p.m. | Atrium Ballroom & Plaza Foyer
Join us at our Poster Session and Reception, with over 70 posters on a variety of topics—including teaching and learning/student success, collections, spaces, and assessment methods. The session provides an opportunity to engage with poster presenters and connect with each other over delicious food and drinks and an evening of community networking.
Breakfast and Affinity Group Meetings
7:30–9:00 a.m. | Grand Ballroom & Plaza Level
Breakfast is available on both the Ballroom and Plaza Levels
Affinity Group Meetings (Invitation Only)
7:45–8:45 a.m.
CARL Affinity Group Meeting for Canadian Attendees | Pavilion Ballroom East
ACRL Affinity Group Meeting
Time | Name | Location Name |
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM | CARL Affinity Group Meeting for Canadian Attendees of the ARL Library Assessment Conference | Pavilion Ballroom East |
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM | ACRL Affinity Group Meeting | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Adapting the Program Review for the Academic Library | Amy McLay Paterson, Thompson Rivers University Elizabeth Rennie, Thompson Rivers University | Galleria North |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Anything I Can Do, You Can Do Meta: An EDI-Informed Process to Evaluate Your Libraries’ Assessment Practices | Harini Kannan, New York University Libraries | Galleria North |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Strategic Planning as an Iterative, Emerging Process | Louis Becker, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries Olivia Kelley, University of Tennessee | Galleria North |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | What “Assessment” Means to Us: A Case Study of a Department-level Assessment Framework within a University Library | Holly Surbaugh, University of New Mexico Olivia Baca, University of New Mexico | Galleria North |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Library Virtue 1: excellence and ethics in library strategy and assessment | Stephen Town, University of York | Galleria South |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Library Virtue 2: assessing excellent leadership in the research library | Stephen Town, University of York | Galleria South |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | The Re-ID Risk is Real: Quasi-identifiers in Library Learning Analytics Data | Andrew Asher, Indiana University | Galleria South |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Level Up in Excel: Using Excel to Perform Serials Value Analyses | Sephra Byrne, University of North Texas Libraries Whitney Johnson-Freeman, University of North Texas Lidia Arvisu, University of North Texas | Pavilion Ballroom West |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | A Participatory Process: Shaping Learning Materials with Minoritized Students’ Mental Models | Rebecca Greer, University of California, Santa Barbara Tina Lin, University of California Santa Barbara | Pavilion Ballroom East |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Discussion of "Moving from critical assessment to assessment as care" | Cecelia Parks, University of Virginia Amanda Rizki, University of Virginia | Broadway 3/4 |
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Intangibles Aren't Immeasurables | Lisa Hinchliffe | Broadway 3/4 |
11:20 a.m.–11:45 a.m. | Grand Ballroom
Time | Name | Speakers | Location Name |
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Assessing EDI in Libraries and Information Organizations | Kawanna Bright, East Carolina University | Broadway 1/2 |
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Disambiguating Strategy: Plan the Work and Work the Plan | Maurini Strub, University of Rochester Libraries Rebecca Greer, University of California, Santa Barbara Starr Hoffman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Pavilion Ballroom West |
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Using National Data for Local Benefit | Martha Kyrillidou, QualityMetrics LLC | Broadway 3/4 |