LAC Session Type
No “One Size Fits All”: An Array of Approaches for Assessing the Library’s Contributions to Student Learning

Learning Outcomes

  1. Attendees will be able to describe a variety of approaches and strategies for better understanding student learning related to library engagement.
  2. Attendees will be able to describe collaborations that may be necessary for undertaking these student learning assessment strategies.
  3. Attendees will be able to identify potential ethical issues that can arise from close examination of student data and/or over-aggregating data to the point that marginalized voices are removed.
  4. Attendees will be able to formulate an action plan for conversations they may undertake when they return home to their institutions.

Key Topics

The moderator will introduce the panelists and explain the audience participation cards, which will be collected in the second half of the panel discussion and discussed at the end of the planned panel discussion. Key topics that will be discussed include student learning and engagement in connection with the library, library learning analytics, inclusion, collaboration, ethical issues, and privacy considerations. Questions: 1. Tell us a bit about your work to understand student learning and engagement in connection with the library …your key research questions or problems to solve, your core method(s), and (initial or more than that) results. What does this tell you about student learning and engagement that you didn’t know (as much about) before? 2. Describe how your project/strategy addresses inclusion and getting beyond the averages to understand previously marginalized voices. How are student “voices” heard in your work? 3. What kinds of collaboration did you need to undertake to begin/continue/complete the project? 3. What ethical issues did you contend with in engaging in the project? 4. What actions will result from the information you’ve found so far?