Full Name
Megan Oakleaf
Position Title
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Syracuse University
Speaker Bio
Megan Oakleaf is a Professor and the LIS Program Director in the Syracuse University iSchool. The author of ACRL’s The Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report, Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit, Library Integration in Institutional Learning Analytics, and Connecting Libraries and Learning Analytics for Student Success, she has published in top library journals including College and Research Libraries, JASIST, and Journal of Documentation. Megan has presented at numerous conferences, including ALA, ACRL, AAC&U, and AALHE national conferences, the IUPUI Assessment Institute, and EDUCAUSE. Megan won the 2021 ALA LIRT Librarian Recognition Award, the 2019 Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award, the 2011 Ilene Rockman Publication of the Year Award, was included in the LIRT Top 20 Instruction Articles five times, and was awarded the 2014 Jeffrey Katzer Teacher of the Year award. Her research areas include library value, learning analytics, and information literacy assessment.
Speaking At
Communicating and Using Assessment Data for Change and Impact
Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Assessment: Using the New Proficiencies to Initiate Learning Plans for You and Your Colleagues
Educating for Assessment
No “One Size Fits All”: An Array of Approaches for Assessing the Library’s Contributions to Student Learning
Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Assessment: Using the New Proficiencies to Initiate Learning Plans for You and Your Colleagues
Educating for Assessment
No “One Size Fits All”: An Array of Approaches for Assessing the Library’s Contributions to Student Learning