LAC Session Type
Assessing EDI in Libraries and Information Organizations

Assessment in libraries and information organizations (LIO) is not a new topic; however, specifically assessing for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within LIO is not as often discussed or addressed. For many LIO, knowing where to begin with EDI assessment is the biggest hurdle. 

This workshop will focus on assisting anyone working in LIO with understanding where to start with EDI assessment and provide suggestions for how to approach specific EDI assessment projects. Topics covered will include the importance of defining EDI for assessment, identifying approaches for EDI assessment, small-scale EDI assessment projects, and whole-organization EDI assessment.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of defining EDI within the context of specific organizations.
  • Begin to construct an EDI assessment plan through the identification of individual and organization EDI goals.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of potential application of EDI within library assessment through brainstorming of applicable assessment projects.


Dr. Kawanna M. Bright, Assistant Professor, East Carolina University