LAC Session Type
Learning Lab
A Participatory Process: Shaping Learning Materials with Minoritized Students’ Mental Models

Learning Outcomes

This study’s topic and activity would be relevant for the library assessment conference as it showcases user-centered assessment approaches that other organizations could implement into their evaluation strategy. In this learning lab, library instructors and assessment personnel are introduced to the hands-on applications of UX and participatory design methods to assess digital learning materials and video tutorials. In addition, they also learn strategies to analyze the concept map from the activity to explore’ struggles and learning needs within their processes, taking that information to provide more context and learning opportunities to build and teach foundational information literacy concepts into digital materials outside of the classroom setting. By the end of the Learning Lab, participants will be able to…

  • Define UX and Participatory Design can be blended to assess information literacy videos.
  • Engage in an activity using participatory design techniques to represent mental models of a given process.
  • Apply analysis techniques with provided guidelines using co-constructed concept maps.
  • Evaluate results with the intention of modifying a given learning object or creating alternative learning materials based on students’ mental models.

This workshop is intended for an audience of library professionals who rely on asynchronous learning materials for instruction. Attendees need not be well versed in usability study or participatory design methods but are oriented as inclusive practitioners to integrate student experiences in the library’s learning environment.