LAC Session Type
Common Read Discussion
Discussion of: The Data Detective—Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics

Learning Outcomes

After the session, attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize the ways bias can enter into our statistics
  • Evaluate the reliability of statistics
  • Plan strategies to improve their analytical skills and presentations

Relevance to the assessment community

The themes presented in the book are useful to anyone, novice and expert alike, involved in data collection, analysis, visualization and interpretation because they stress critical thinking and review easy methods to evaluate and improve what we do as assessment professionals. The stories and examples presented in the book are relatable; and some may even be familiar, but the author encourages us to take another look with a different lens. The book is approachable and engaging without being overly mathematical or technical and provides much food for thoughtful discussion and reflection. Furthermore, the book serves as an important reminder for assessment professionals to persist in learning and actively combat data bias, essential for avoiding misleading data interpretations. This is particularly relevant given that datasets with identical statistics can display differently visually. It advocates for thorough analysis and careful communication, highlighting the book's broader message.

Harford, T . (2022). The Data detective: ten easy rules to make sense of statistics. Riverhead Books.