LAC Session Type
Disambiguating Strategy: Plan the Work and Work the Plan

Organizations invest a great deal of resources into developing a strategic plan, only for it to frequently land on a shelf, a file cabinet, or be electronically archived. The first half of this workshop will examine best practices for creating and implementing a truly strategic plan. The second half of this workshop will focus on implementing the plan by delineating processes and approaches for implementation. The facilitators will pay particular attention to the means of constructing a process that is inclusive to involve all levels of the organization, and how these efforts can increase buy-in to leverage future success. Throughout the workshop, the facilitators will showcase viable techniques and processes for building shared mental models, scoping work, and navigating the nuanced dance of creating a shared assessment plan. The workshop will close with known challenges with using the tools and approaches presented and some of the ways that participants might encounter organizational resistance, along with strategies for mitigating common pitfalls.  
A blend of topical lecture and hands-on activities, such as worksheets and reflective round table discussions will be used to engage participants. A practical framework on strategic planning principles will be used as the basis for participants to navigate their organization through the process of creating an outcomes-based and flexible strategic plan. This will include the categorization of different types of goals (aspirational, strategic, operational, etc.), developing a shared vocabulary, and expectations about communicating that strategy. With the objective of building a sustainable plan that has continuity and accountability, participants will leave with a renewed sense of how they can actionably make better choices to advance their shared strategy for the organization.

This workshop is intended for library professionals and administrators who are new to leading, facilitating, or looking to explore a variety of ideas and tools for strategic planning its implementation in mid- to large-sized universities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Compose a framework for the creation and implementation of a strategic plan
  • Distinguish processes for strategic planning and implementation based on audience and stakeholder engagement
  • Identify and select viable techniques to effectively engage library personnel in strategic planning and implementation efforts.
  • Activate the maturation of shared mental models of a core team that advances strategic planning and implementation.  
  • Build accountability measures into an implementation plan.


Becca Greer, Director of Teaching & Learning, University of California, Santa Barbara

Starr Hoffman, Director of Planning & Assessment, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Maurini Strub, Assistant Dean, Strategy & Planning, University of Rochester