LAC Session Type
Using National Data for Local Benefit

Academic Libraries gather and report defined statistics to multiple national entities such as NCES, ACRL, and ARL. These datasets can be mined for peer comparison, advocacy, or LIS research. Such statistics can be leveraged for local benefit. In an increasingly data-driven landscape, needs for justification of resource usage may be required on relatively short notice. This workshop aims to prepare and assist library professionals in the identification and use of these national datasets. There will be a presentation regarding the definitions and the historical background of library statistics, and the previous and possible uses. The presenters will discuss where library statistics can be found, notably IPEDS, ACRL Benchmark, and ARL Statistics, and provide some examples of use cases. Other sources of academic data will also be identified and discussed briefly for awareness purposes. Following the presentation, the audience will work together in small groups to identify possible use cases and peer groups, and how results might be presented to various kinds of stakeholders. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Participants should be able to define, identify, and access national library statistics datasets.
  • Participants should be able to walk away with multiple use cases for their local benefit, including the identification of peer groups, and the selection of relevant data sources for specific stakeholders.


This workshop is open to all levels of practicing librarians who might find themselves needing to use national data for advocacy or resource justification. The workshop will be constructed to address an academic library audience that has less experience and is novice in using national statistics for benchmarking, comparison, and advocacy. 


Martha Kyrillidou, Director and CEO, QualityMetrics & Research Associate, U. of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign

Devin Savage, Dean of Libraries, Illinois Institute of Technology