LAC Session Type
Common Read Discussion
Discussion of "Moving from critical assessment to assessment as care"

Learning Outcomes

After participating in this discussion, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what “assessment as care” means, both in the context of the article and in their own assessment philosophy.
  • Identify ways they can implement “assessment as care” in their assessment practice.

Relevance to the assessment community

This discussion is relevant to the assessment community because Arellano Douglas calls on assessment practitioners to re-consider and re-create our approaches to assessment through a lens of mutually beneficial caring. Arellano Douglas’ proposed framework is a provocation of the field’s current answers to the questions: why do we assess? who do we assess? and how do we assess? We want to reconsider those answers with LAC attendees.

Arellano Douglas, V. (2020). Moving from critical assessment to assessment as care. Communications in Information Literacy, 14(1 ), 56-57.