Schedule is in Pacific Standard Time (PST)

All sessions are in the Bayview Ballroom

TIME                                                                     SESSION/ACTIVITY

7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Bayview Ballroom


8:30 a.m.–8:40 a.m.
Bayview Ballroom

Opening Remarks

Trevor A. Dawes

8:40 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Blixrud Memorial Keynote Lecture:
Unveiling the Power of Sustainable Development

Henry McGhie
The keynote address will focus on demystifying the profound concept of sustainable development and revealing its potential to create a better world for all.

Sponsored by: Elsevier

9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Sustainable Libraries—Advice from the Field

Morgan Barker 
Leo Lo
Bart Murphy
Sibyl Schaefer
Sarah Triblehorn

This illuminating panel discussion will explore the intersection of libraries, sustainability, and cutting-edge technologies. In this engaging session, experts from the field will delve into crucial aspects of sustainable digital collections, considering AI in research library work, promoting environmental literacy, and implementing sustainable policies.

Sponsored by: OCLC

10:30 a.m.–10:45 a.m.


10:45a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Panel Breakout Discussions

12:00p.m.–1:00 p.m.

Networking Lunch

1:00p.m.–1:45 p.m.

Reflections Activity

1:45p.m.–3:15 p.m.

Our World Today: Workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals

Henry McGhie
This dynamic and interactive workshop will engage participants’ creativity and stimulate meaningful discussions around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This collaborative workshop will leave participants with a deeper understanding of sustainable development challenges, opportunities and priorities in the place where their work makes a difference.

3:15p.m.–3:45 p.m.

Networking Break & Afternoon Energizer

3:45p.m.–5:15 p.m.

Painting a Sustainable Future: Defining Your Path Forward

Henry McGhie
This workshop will take participants from knowledge to a plan for action with the Sustainable Development Goals. Participants will work collectively to set sustainable development priorities for their own institutions, align those priorities to existing projects and initiatives, and identify where cross-institutional collaboration can amplify their impact locally and across the research library ecosystem. By the end of this workshop, participants will leave with a clear understanding of where they are trying to get to, and know where to find tools to build a path to a more sustainable future.

5:15p.m.–5:30 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Trevor A. Dawes

Local Library Tours

The University of San Diego and UC San Diego are interested in hosting tours of their libraries for Institute attendees. During the registration process you can indicate your interest if you’d prefer the tours on the [day before] or [day after] the Institute. The tour(s) will be scheduled based on interest.