Embracing Sustainability—Libraries Leading the Way

Sustainable practices are a priority in everything we do—at work, at home, and in life in general. ARL has adopted sustainability as one of its values. However sustainable development goes beyond environmental sustainability alone. 

Using the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a tool for fostering individual and collective awareness and imagination, the 2024 President’s Institute will explore how libraries and museums contribute to sustainable development and how we can build awareness and actively participate in furthering this work. We’ll hear from experts in the field and work together to set sustainability goals for our libraries, our institutions, and within ARL.

ARL invites ARL member representatives, all library professionals, and others in the research enterprise who may have a focus on sustainable development.



Henry McGhie
Curating Tomorrow

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Morgan Barker
Sustainability Librarian,
Cal Poly Humboldt

Leo Lo
Dean of University Libraries and Learning Sciences
University of New Mexico Libraries

Sibyl Schaefer
Digital Preservation Librarian/ Chronopolis Program Manager

Sarah Tribelhorn
Sciences Librarian
San Diego State University


Bart Murphy
Chief Technology & Information Officer, OCLC

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OCLC is a global library organization that provides shared technology, research, and community programs for its membership and the library community at large. We are librarians, technologists, researchers, pioneers, leaders, and learners. With thousands of library members in more than 100 countries, OCLC makes information more accessible and more useful.

Checkout the latest ARL Views Blog: How Libraries Can Lead the Way in Campus Decarbonization 

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The President’s Institute was able to offer a limited number of registration scholarships generously sponsored by ITHAKA. 

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ITHAKA is a nonprofit with a mission to improve access to knowledge and education for people around the world. We help make higher education and access to knowledge more affordable, improve outcomes for students and researchers, and preserve knowledge for future generations. 


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2024 Planning Task Force

Task Force Chair: Trevor A. Dawes (Delaware), ARL President

Nicole Capdarest-Arest

UC Davis

Maisha Carey

University of Delaware

Dani Cook

UC San Diego

Jessica Davila

The University of Oklahoma

Karen Estlund

Colorado State University

Jennifer Garrett

NC State University

Sheril Hook

York University

Helen Kula

McMaster University

Angie Ohler

University of Minnesota

Jenaya Webb

University of Toronto

About The ARL President's Institute

The annual ARL President's Institute explores content driven by the president of the Association of Research Libraries. The institute rotates among the geographic regions of the Association to provide greater opportunities for participation by member institutions and others in our field without requiring extensive travel. The President’s Institute is the evolution of the event previously known as the Fall Forum.