Why are multigenerational libraries vital?

The 2025 ARL President’s Institute will dive into the ways multigenerational perspectives and practices can boost a library’s inclusivity and effectiveness. This dynamic program will explore shared leadership practices, innovative strategies to bridge generational divides, and practical tools to promote cross-mentorship.

Facilitators will create a space to connect, solve problems, and share best practices with fellow library leaders. Participants will leave with resources and a plan for how to bring multigenerational collaboration to their research libraries.

Senior Director ● Innovation


A workplace with four or five generations working side by side is not a problem to be solved—it’s an opportunity to be leveraged.

Logo: CoGenerate

Specialist ● Digital Communications 

Facilitators Janet Oh and Duncan Magidson from CoGenerate will discuss how to tap the different and complementary skills and talents of multigenerational teammates for big rewards. You’ll learn how best to understand generation, age and life stage while avoiding stereotypes; how to communicate using a wide variety of styles to suit all ages; how to manage power dynamics; and how to build an age-diverse team of creative problem-solvers. 


Student Perspectives on Libraries: Present and Future

Maximilien Franck
Postdoctoral Researcher
Université de Sherbrooke

Ryan Lemke
University of Illinois Chicago

Roshan Panjwani 
MSLS Student
University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill

Michelle Sosa
MLIS Student
San José State University

Libraries are becoming more and more multigenerational in terms of user needs and populations. Who better to showcase that reality and discuss its assets and challenges than students themselves! This dynamic panel features students from a wide array of perspectives and experiences discussing the different realities of students in the context of multigenerational libraries and how welcoming they are or could be.

Multigenerational Libraries: Advice Across Disciplines

Amber Dukart
Intergenerational Researcher & Facilitator
University of Calgary

Bo Ford
Program Manager,
Digital Equity
New Mexico State Library 

Hunter Old Elk
Assistant Curator
Plains Indian Museum

Tyronne Stoudemire
Senior Vice President, 
Global Diversity,
Equity & Inclusion
Hyatt Hotels Corporation

Bringing multigenerational voices to the forefront has been a successful endevor for many. This interactive panel will gather experts across disciplines to share insights and experiences leveraging multigenerational opportunities in their respective settings.


The annual ARL President's Institute explores content driven by the president of the Association of Research Libraries. The institute rotates among the geographic regions of the Association to provide greater opportunities for participation by member institutions and others in our field without requiring extensive travel. The President’s Institute is the evolution of the event previously known as the Fall Forum.