The Master’s Tools: Large Language Models and the Automation of Systemic Oppression (😷)
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
IDEAL Locations
Sheraton E
Session Type

Large Language Models and the chatbots they power have been a subject of hot debate in academia, especially since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Their ability to automate and generate text has made them an object of intense curiosity. But what are these Large Language models, and should those invested in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion projects turn a more critical eye onto Venture Capital’s disruptive darling of the moment? This presentation will briefly examine what Large Language Models (LLMs) are and question their ability to generate longform text and responses that reflect/reproduce/model the experiences, cultural norms, values, etc. of non cisheteropatriarchal white capitalist western thought. LLMs are built on corpuses of data scraped from the web, however it is unclear where this data come from and what is this data made of. We will explore how this data is actively and passively shaped by the companies that own and run these LLMs and how this shaping excludes in-group communication in marginalized communities from their datasets. This presentation will examine how the output of LLMs, and choices made by the corporations that own these systems impact marginalized and racialized people individually and on a systemic level. We will examine the implications of the human labour – that is outsourced to Black and Brown people in the Global south – that goes into making these models safe vehicles for profit for corporations.

Mask Requirements
Masks Expected
Data Management
Racism, Large Language Models, Systems of Oppression, Capitalism