The Library Assessment Conference brings together practitioners and researchers working in the
broad fields of library assessment, user experience, and organizational performance measurement. 
This 2024 multi-day event includes a mix of keynote speakers, workshops, and contributed papers
and posters that stimulate discussion and provide actionable ideas for practitioners.

Registration closed on September 30.

Existing registrants may modify their registration through October 15.


Standard: US$675

Advance: US$599


Standard: US$625

Advance: US$549

Rate applies to all employees of the member library


Standard: US$375

Advance: US$325

Student must be enrolled in an ALA accredited master’s program.

Standard Registration: August 16–September 30

Advance Registration: June 4–August 15

Group Discounts

A 10% group discount for three or more attendees from the same institution is available. Please reach out to to inquire.

Workshop Experiences for Purchase

Pre- and Post-Conference intensive learning workshops are available to purchase for US$170.
Seating is limited—purchase early. 

Wednesday, November 6 | 9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

Accessibility often focuses on the design of the web, technologies, tools, and physical spaces to improve access for all. Data accessibility borrows this framing with the goal of making data available for all users to be able to access, interpret, and use in decision-making.

Data accessibility can include the use of tools such as color contrast checkers, alternative text, and headings to make communication as accessible as possible. We expand this definition to also include sharing a summary of data - for example, a pivot table or key highlights - instead of a full spreadsheet that requires time to interpret. Despite proficiency with data or visualization tools, limited time and capacity can still make data inaccessible to many users. Selecting and presenting data effectively for your audience can be as much an accessibility measure as considering color vision deficiency in a chart. 

This interactive, half-day workshop will teach you how to work with data in a way that centers accessibility to ensure that data, reports, and visualizations are inclusive for as many people as possible and to make decisions that center accessibility from multiple perspectives throughout your assessment, data work, and communication.

By helping participants recognize data structures and teaching them to clean and manipulate data, this workshop will familiarize participants with the tools and methods necessary to effectively communicate quantitative data and to identify and address common data quality issues. These skills help design data outputs in a format that can be aggregated, which is critical in communicating data efficiently and accessibly (though it is not without its caveats). We will also delve into best practices for accessible data visualizations and provide concrete takeaways for creating accessible visualizations in widely used tools such as Tableau and Power BI.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and manipulate the underlying structure of spreadsheet data.
  • Use essential Excel functions to clean and manage common data quality issues. 
  • Create data visualizations following accessibility best practices in the context of widely used data visualization tools such as Tableau and Power BI.
  • Identify tools to help with accessible design.


  • Negeen Aghassibake (she/her) ■■ Data Visualization Librarian, University of Washington Libraries
  • Maggie Faber (she/her) ■■ Assessment & Data Visualization Librarian, University of Washington Libraries

Capacity: 35

Participatory Design is a values-driven approach to co-creation that seeks to empower participants through mutual learning and power sharing. Library assessment practitioners can integrate the tools and techniques of Participatory Design to develop meaningful community-based assessments with library users.

Participatory Design begins with the idea that users and professionals each possess skills and perspectives of equal worth. This equity is realized through a practice of collaborative power-sharing and decision-making that deeply connects users with the process and outcome of a library assessment. During the process of a participatory assessment, participants build connection with each other and develop collective insights by completing design activities together. The process combines elements of spontaneity and play with a rigorous design theory. Through the practice of Participatory Design, student participants become expert library users who develop a strong sense of place and confidence that can contribute to their success. And for librarian Participatory Design practitioners, the in-depth participatory process can enhance our ability to understand and empathize with diverse user populations. Ultimately, Participatory Design is a research and design methodology that can be used to develop meaningful assessment insights with diverse user groups.  

This workshop will present the principles and practices of Participatory Design. The key outcome of this workshop will be practical knowledge and skills for building and extending a Participatory Design practice. The workshop will apply a train-the-trainer approach, with session attendees functioning both as participants and as facilitators-in-training. Together, we will practice through the three-stages of the Participatory Design process. We will first complete design activities as participants. Then we will assume the role of facilitator, reviewing our design evidence and discussing decision-points such as activity selection, application, and sequencing. At each stage, we will complete reflective prompts to help guide the participatory process, with a view toward applied principles. As a result of this workshop, attendees will learn how the tools and techniques of Participatory Design can be used to build community connections and develop meaningful and actionable library assessment insights.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the history and background of Participatory Design as a methodology for co-creation.
  • Apply the principles and process of Participatory Design in a library setting.
  • Develop UX and assessment insights using Participatory Design tools and techniques, including design games, structured creative thinking activities, and dialoguing exercises.


  • Scott Young ■■ UX & Assessment Librarian, Montana State University

Capacity: 50

Wednesday, November 6 | 1:30 p.m.—5:00 p.m.

The topic of diversity in library collections has been explored extensively by librarians over the past two decades and profoundly over the last several years. While current practices in the field focus on assessment strategies that quantify diversity through audits, some librarians have also grappled with the challenges that those methodologies present. For example, how do we account for the ways that racism manifests in the systems that build library collections? How do we evaluate large, historic academic collections with inconsistent metadata and limited resources? In response to these questions, librarians at the University of Colorado Boulder developed an Anti-racist Library Collections Building Workbook to explicitly reflect on the ways Whiteness is embedded in the processes of collection development. The workbook uses the framework of White Institutional Presence developed by scholar Diane Gusa to explore various collection building and assessment practices including designing approval plans, selecting materials, purchasing materials, cataloging and classifying, weeding, and community engagement.

Participants will use the workbook sections related to selecting materials, purchasing materials, and using approval plan profiles in order to assess their collection building practices. Facilitators will provide examples of collection development policies and procedures and we will practice answering questions such as: What characteristics of Whiteness appear in collection development policies and procedures? What may be some of the potential unintended consequences, harm, or adverse impacts? How might policies and other documentation be reworked or changed through a lens of racial equity? Participants are encouraged to bring their home institution’s collection development documentation as well, including: collection development policies or collecting statements, approval plan profiles, or acquisition procedures. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how White dominant culture and White Institutional Presence shape collection building and assessment practices
  • Articulate how the dimensions of White Institutional Presence are evident in sample documentation provided by facilitators
  • Develop an initial plan for investigating and addressing Whiteness in collection practices at home institutions 


  • Arthur Aguilera ■■ University of Colorado Boulder
  • Amanda Rybin Koob  ■■ University of Colorado Boulder

Audience: This workshop is designed for anyone engaged in library collection work. We welcome those new to this work, as well as those with more expertise looking to expand their efforts to center equity in their collection practices.

Capacity: 40

This workshop will facilitate participants’ design, analysis and application of library space assessment in any context. Based on the presenters’ experience examining use of, perceptions about and impact of library spaces in the academic life of students at multiple branches of the University of Florida Libraries, participants will:

  • View a presentation on library assessments conducted at the University of Florida.
  • Identify their own library space assessment purposes and create the appropriate research team.
  • Select and develop a study design and then share with a partner for review.
  • View an excerpt of the design charrette application designed by graduate students in the Design graduate program.
  • After reviewing analyses conducted by the presenters Consider appropriate analysis approaches and outline a codebook for qualitative analysis.
  • Group brainstorm on presentation of findings to key stakeholders.

Participants will engage in developing the complete research process involved in conducting an assessment of library spaces with findings and recommendations that appeal to key campus stakeholders.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Attendees will understand how to complete a preliminary study design for multi-method library assessment.
  • Attendees will be able to select appropriate analyses for multiple data collection methods.
  • Attendees will understand the use of design thinking in library space assessments.


  • Valrie Minson ■■ University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
  • Laura Spears  ■■ University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries

The presenters have assessed library space usage for multiple branches of the University of Florida Libraries, including assessment of the Marston Science Library for the Association of Research Libraries “Research Libraries Impact Framework” program.  This assessment, conducted in collaboration with academic faculty from the UF College of Design, Construction and Planning, won a 2024 Environmental Design Research Association CORE Certification honor.

Capacity: 50

In academic libraries, communicating and using assessment data for action is the key to enacting change and improvement. This workshop offers a comprehensive framework enabling librarians to share assessment results with stakeholders and provide decision makers with evidence that can drive meaningful change and achieve desired outcomes. Participants will learn to plan for action from the start, engage assessment participants early on, reflect on findings, share compelling results with stakeholders and colleagues, and inspire decision makers to prioritize and implement change.

Through engagement with frameworks, hands-on activities, and discussions, participants will design plans for communicating and using assessment data in conversation with assessment participants and stakeholders to create buy-in and drive meaningful and inclusive action. Throughout this workshop, participants will develop their ability to make the most of assessment results, ensuring that they are seen, understood, and used to translate assessment outcomes into informed decision-making and action plans.

With assessment projects that are designed to foreground communication and use of results, librarians will be better equipped to anticipate needs, inform decision-making with clearly communicated data and evidence, identify ways to align opportunities with institutional priorities, demonstrate value and impact, and ensure that the library remains a vibrant hub of learning and research within the academic community.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Develop assessment plans that engage participants from the initial stages of an initiative to its completion, ensuring results are communicated clearly and stakeholders have an open path for ongoing engagement with librarians for shared problem-solving and improvement.
  • Develop their ability to make the most of assessment results, ensuring that they are seen, understood, and used by colleagues to inform decision-making and action plans. 
  • Design communications that share compelling assessment results with key decision makers, provide evidence to drive meaningful change, and inspire prioritization of ongoing engagement in assessment for improvement. 


  • Becky Croxton ■■ Head of Strategic Analytics & Special Projects, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Megan Oakleaf ■■ Professor, LIS Program Director, Syracuse University

Capacity: 40

Saturday, November 9 | 1:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.

Assessment in libraries and information organizations (LIO) is not a new topic; however, specifically assessing for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within LIO is not as often discussed or addressed. For many LIO, knowing where to begin with EDI assessment is the biggest hurdle. 

This workshop will focus on assisting anyone working in LIO with understanding where to start with EDI assessment and provide suggestions for how to approach specific EDI assessment projects. Topics covered will include the importance of defining EDI for assessment, identifying approaches for EDI assessment, small-scale EDI assessment projects, and whole-organization EDI assessment.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of defining EDI within the context of specific organizations.
  • Begin to construct an EDI assessment plan through the identification of individual and organization EDI goals.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of potential application of EDI within library assessment through brainstorming of applicable assessment projects.


  • Dr. Kawanna M. Bright ■■ Assistant Professor, East Carolina University

Capacity: 50

Organizations invest a great deal of resources into developing a strategic plan, only for it to frequently land on a shelf, a file cabinet, or be electronically archived. The first half of this workshop will examine best practices for creating and implementing a truly strategic plan. The second half of this workshop will focus on implementing the plan by delineating processes and approaches for implementation. The facilitators will pay particular attention to the means of constructing a process that is inclusive to involve all levels of the organization, and how these efforts can increase buy-in to leverage future success. Throughout the workshop, the facilitators will showcase viable techniques and processes for building shared mental models, scoping work, and navigating the nuanced dance of creating a shared assessment plan. The workshop will close with known challenges with using the tools and approaches presented and some of the ways that participants might encounter organizational resistance, along with strategies for mitigating common pitfalls.  

A blend of topical lecture and hands-on activities, such as worksheets and reflective round table discussions will be used to engage participants. A practical framework on strategic planning principles will be used as the basis for participants to navigate their organization through the process of creating an outcomes-based and flexible strategic plan. This will include the categorization of different types of goals (aspirational, strategic, operational, etc.), developing a shared vocabulary, and expectations about communicating that strategy. With the objective of building a sustainable plan that has continuity and accountability, participants will leave with a renewed sense of how they can actionably make better choices to advance their shared strategy for the organization.

This workshop is intended for library professionals and administrators who are new to leading or facilitating strategic planning and/or implementation efforts in mid- to large-sized universities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Compose a framework for the creation and implementation of a strategic plan
  • Distinguish processes for strategic planning and implementation based on audience and stakeholder engagement
  • Identify and select viable techniques to effectively engage library personnel in strategic planning and implementation efforts.
  • Activate the maturation of shared mental models of a core team that advances strategic planning and implementation.  
  • Build accountability measures into an implementation plan.


  • Becca Greer ■■ Director of Teaching & Learning, University of California, Santa Barbara 
  • Dr. Starr Hoffman ■■ Director of Planning & Assessment, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Maurini Strub ■■ Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Libraries, University of Rochester

Capacity: 50

Academic Libraries gather and report defined statistics to multiple national entities such as NCES, ACRL, and ARL. These datasets can be mined for peer comparison, advocacy, or LIS research. Such statistics can be leveraged for local benefit. In an increasingly data-driven landscape, needs for justification of resource usage may be required on relatively short notice. This workshop aims to prepare and assist library professionals in the identification and use of these national datasets. There will be a presentation regarding the definitions and the historical background of library statistics, and the previous and possible uses. The presenters will discuss where library statistics can be found, notably IPEDS, ACRL Benchmark, and ARL Statistics, and provide some examples of use cases. Other sources of academic data will also be identified and discussed briefly for awareness purposes. Following the presentation, the audience will work together in small groups to identify possible use cases and peer groups, and how results might be presented to various kinds of stakeholders. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Participants should be able to define, identify, and access national library statistics datasets.
  • Participants should be able to walk away with multiple use cases for their local benefit, including the identification of peer groups, and the selection of relevant data sources for specific stakeholders.


This workshop is open to all levels of practicing librarians who might find themselves needing to use national data for advocacy or resource justification. The workshop will be constructed to address an academic library audience that has less experience and is novice in using national statistics for benchmarking, comparison, and advocacy. 


  • Martha Kyrillidou ■■ Director and CEO, QualityMetrics & Research Associate, U. of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign 
  • Devin Savage ■■ Dean of Libraries, Illinois Institute of Technology

Capacity: 50

Travel Awards

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, a limited pool of funds were available for Early Career Travel Awards and Underrepresented Communities Travel Awards to support costs associated with attending the 2024 Library Assessment Conference. The deadline to apply was Monday, July 15, 2024.

Registration Policies

To cancel your registration, click the "modify or cancel my registration" link in your confirmation email. On the "Additional People" page, click the X beside your name (or the name of the person you wish to cancel). Click "Continue" until you reach the confirmation stage.

You may also cancel by writing to A full refund minus a US$100 administrative fee is available through August 30, 2024.

August 31—September 30, 2024 a full refund minus a US$150 administrative fee.  After September 30, 2024, no refunds will be issued. Substitutions are welcome through October 15, 2024.

If you need to make a change to your registration, a link is provided in your registration confirmation email. Changes are accepted until October 15, 2024. If you need additional assistance or cannot locate your confirmation email, please email

Substitutions can be requested by sending an email to with the names of both the original and substitute registrant. All requests for substitutions must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. HDT on October 15, 2024.

Attendance at this event constitutes permission for your photograph or video to be taken at the event and used for ARL's purposes.