Concurrent Session Presenter


Slide Template

Conference organizers would prefer you use the branded IDEAL 2024 Google Slides Template or a Google Slides template in general. Google Slides allows for closed captioning to be captured during a presentation.


General Accessibility

Think accessibility first when creating slide presentations. Remember the following:

  • Include alternative text with visuals
  • Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information
  • Use sufficient contrast for text and background colors
  • Use a larger font size (18–24pt), sans serif fonts, and sufficient white space
  • Closed captions for videos and presenting: Learn how to turn on closed captions here.
  • Avoid flickering, flashing and animation
  • Click animation feature

Think accessibility first when presenting. Remember the following:

  • Use Visual descriptions: A visual description is a way for presenters at an event to describe their physical appearance and provide helpful contextual information for folks who have different accessibility needs. It can also help eliminate bias and assumptions about identity. Here is a template for how to create your own visual description and share during session:

“My name is <insert name> and my pronouns are <insert pronouns>. I am/I have <insert physical descriptors: clothing, hair, holding something, visually assumed identities or salient identities> and I have <insert message. For example: I have the full spirit of the ancestors behind me>."

  • ALWAYS use the microphone, and insist the audience does as well
  • Verbally describe all meaningful visual content 
  • Print and provide presentation slides (Microsoft Word) and/or virtual access (e.g., QR code)
  • Use clear and inclusive language 
    • Gender inclusive
    • Non-ableist 
    • Avoid jargon 
  • Provide time for participants to process

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices will be available for attendees to check-out (details will be in the app) and use during the conference. Each room will be assigned a channel. Attendees who check out an ALD will be provided with a channel and user guide. Please make sure to verbalize the channel for the listening device in your particular space. This is available to you on slide 2 of the IDEAL Google Slides Template.  More details will be provided onsite and the Room Manager will also provide support.


Please reserve the last 3–5 minutes of your session for an evaluation. Evaluations will ask attendees: What were the positive aspects of this session?, What changes would you recommend for this session? and to provide an overall rating of your session. Attendees will receive a notification in the conference app prompting them to respond to the evaluation at the 50 minute mark for General Session and Lightning Session blocks, and at the 60 minute mark for Workshops. Direct attendees to the app to complete their evaluations at the end of your session. Note: Attendees must have the session added to the “My Agenda” section of their app in order to receive the survey. 

The following slide is available in the IDEAL 2024 Google Slide Template. You may also copy the slide from the template into your own presentation.

Presentation slide with text:  Evaluation — Add this session to the “My Agenda” tab of the EventsGo App.  The App will send a notification with the evaluation for this session. Click the session on “My Agenda” and complete the 3 question survey. If you do not receive a survey right away, it will eventually pop up as a red notification. Complete the survey then.

Onsite for Presenters

Session Rooms 


Seats at the front of each session room will be reserved for folks who are sight impaired and/or need to visually read lips in order to understand presenters. Seats in the back of each session space will be reserved for folks with mobility issues who cannot transition as quickly to and from sessions. As your session room begins to fill up, please assist room managers in keeping the reserved seats open for potential attendees and with crowd management in general (e.g. ask attendees to move inward or signal to seats that are open). 


Each session room will be equipped with a projector, screen, and three microphones (1 floor mic for audience, 1 wireless podium mic, 1 handheld mic). All presenters should bring a laptop device, power cord, and any adapters to connect laptops to the projectors in the assigned room. The cord should be standard HDMI. Room managers and production team members can assist with set up.

Lightning Talks will be paired, two presentations to a room. Presentations will be pre-loaded in advance on the day of the session on a show laptop that will stay in the assigned session room.


ARL will provide masks and hand sanitizer to participants in the main rooms and session rooms at the water stations. Masking is encouraged, but not required, as a general practice throughout the conference as part of the IDEAL Community of Care approach. Presenters who chose “mask expected” as their masking preferences will have support from Room Managers in reminding attendees of the expectation when they enter the room. We encourage presenters to mask as comfortable and to balance individual masking preferences with accessibility needs. 

Room Managers 

There will be at least one room manager in each session space. Room managers are volunteers who are responsible for the following tasks: 

  • Counting participants
  • Monitoring the capacity limit of each room   
  • Ensuring participants are in the right space 
  • Passing the microphone to attendees during share outs
  • Assisting with masking preferences 
  • Enforcing the Code of Conduct 
  • Assisting attendees with seating and  accommodations 
  • Candy Sprinkle on tables

Room managers are NOT responsible for cleaning up trash or running errands for presenters (e.g. making copies). 

Presenter Prep Zone

The presenter prep zone is located in the Osgoode Ballroom. The presenter prep zone will be equipped with two projectors and two screens for presenters to practice connecting and being familiar with the “set-up” beforehand. The prep zone will also have a printer for singular, low volume printing needs. 

Printing Options

For large volume printing (e.g. handouts, activities) please use the onsite, full service printing at the Sheraton Hotel: CHECKT

For singular printing needs (e.g. presenter notes, signage), you may use the printer in the Presenter Prep Zone. 

Resources & Reminders

Post Conference Repository: All presentations from IDEAL 2024, will be uploaded to the University of Toronto's TSpace Collection after the conference. To create an account click here then upload a PDF of your slides. 

Poster Presenter Guidance

Poster Design

  • Posters sizes can be 36” w x 24” h (minimum) - 70” w x 36” h (maximum). Posters should be printed horizontally only.
  • Presenters bring their own posters to the Conference. Local printing options are also available:
  • Fabric posters or printed posters are acceptable formats.
  • There is no official template for posters. We encourage creativity while thinking about accessibility and remaining within the poster size parameters. Check out the Library Assessment Conference’s guidelines for successful poster sessions. Posters will have a dedicated space where they are viewable during the conference, and presenters will present posters in the same space.


  • ARL staff will create a diagram with number poster boards in the meeting app for presenters to locate their boards.
  • Posters must be put up on-site between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, July 16th. Posters will be on display from July 16th at 2:00 p.m. until July 17th at 7:00 p.m..
  • The posters will be organized alphabetically by title of the poster.
  • ARL staff will provide velcro for each poster board. Typically, standard velcro can hold up to 10 pounds.

Poster Session

  • The poster sessions will take place on Wednesday, July 17th from 12:00–2:00 p.m.. Poster presenters will be split into two groups, and will present for 45 minutes each with a 15 minute transition between the two groups. The poster session will be located in a designated section of Sheraton E on the Lower Concourse level.
  • Presenters arrive at their poster 10 minutes prior to their scheduled session.
  • Presenters must be at their poster for questions and discussion during their assigned 45 minute time slot.
  • Presenters should be prepared to remove posters between 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17th. If this time frame does not work for you please email
  • There will be two awards: Best Poster and People’s Choice. Please note, you can opt-out of poster assessment if you wish to not be assessed.
    • The ‘Best Poster’ prize is decided by the 2024 IDEAL Poster Working Group using a set rubric.
    • ‘People’s Choice’ prize will be voted on by attendees—most likely, through the conference app. Further instructions on voting will be provided closer to the conference dates. Winners will be announced through the conference app and during the closing comments by ARL staff.

Online Access

Posters, as well as all presentations from IDEAL 2024, will be uploaded to the University of Toronto's TSpace Collection. To create an account click here then upload a poster PDF. Best practice is to add a link or QR code directly to your poster for easier dissemination of your content and easier sharing of material post-conference.