Proposal Requirements

To be considered, proposals should include:

  • Title of session
  • Abstract (up to 1500 characters)
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Outline
  • Keywords

Proposals should consider how the content of the session connects to the larger DEIA/J landscape or the IDEAL conference theme, Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities, and how the session reasonably engages adult learners. The internal review process is masked; no personal identifiable information (e.g., names, institutions, social identities) should be included in the proposal. These items will be collected separately. 

Please reference the Presenter FAQ or contact with questions or any accommodation requests.

Selection Criteria


  • Content is relevant and timely to the DEIA landscape 
  • Content reflects a nuanced understand of DEIA 
  • Content can be applied broadly (e.g., levels, institution types, international audience)


  • Demonstrates knowledge and use of strategies to engage adult audience(s)
  • Identifies multiple engagement strategies that create accessibility for attendees
  • Respects various learning styles

Value for Participants

  • Clear, concise learning outcomes aligned to session abstract
  • Describes knowledge, awareness, skills, or attitudes that participants will receive from the session
  • Effective use of time

Overall Score


  • Call for Proposals Opens: August 3, 2023
  • Call for Proposals Closes: September 15, 2023
  • Notification of Final Decisions: Early November 2023
  • Schedule of Sessions Announced: January 2024

We look forward to reviewing your proposal, and creating a well-rounded conference for our attendees! Only proposals submitted through the official Call for Proposals site, by the deadline, will be considered.

Example Outline

IDEAL Conference 2024: Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities 

Quickly teach a concept or skill.

  • 5 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 12 minutes: Facilitated Lecture   
  • 3 minutes: Individual Reflection and Journaling  

Note: No time need be reserved for Q&A

Provide participants with a balance of learning and application opportunities. 

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 10 minutes: Opening Pair Share 
  • 20 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 15 minutes: Interactive Group Activity 
  • 5 minutes: Closing

Present on complex concepts and skills, provide time for shared meaning-making, and create opportunities for more intensive application of new concepts and skills. 

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 25 minutes: Opening Group Activity 
  • 30 minutes: Reading and Group Share 
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 25 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 30 minutes: Action Planning 
  • 5 minutes: Closing

Provide the opportunity for presenters and participants to explore identified topics for an extended time in advance of the conference.

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction
  • 25 minutes: Opening Group Activity 
  • 25  minutes: Individual Reading and Journaling  
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 15 minutes: Group Share on Reading  
  • 35 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 45 minutes: Action Planning   
  • 5 minutes: Closing