IDEAL Conference 2024: Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities 

Lightning Session: 20 minutes

Quickly teach a concept or skill.

  • 5 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 12 minutes: Facilitated Lecture   
  • 3 minutes: Individual Reflection and Journaling  

Note: No time need be reserved for Q&A

General Session: 60 minutes
Provide participants with a balance of learning and application opportunities. 

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 10 minutes: Opening Pair Share 
  • 20 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 15 minutes: Interactive Group Activity 
  • 5 minutes: Closing

Workshop Sessions: 135 minutes
Present on complex concepts and skills, provide time for shared meaning-making, and create opportunities for more intensive application of new concepts and skills. 

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction 
  • 25 minutes: Opening Group Activity 
  • 30 minutes: Reading and Group Share 
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 25 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 30 minutes: Action Planning 
  • 5 minutes: Closing

Pre-Conference Session: 180 minutes 
Provide the opportunity for presenters and participants to explore identified topics for an extended time in advance of the conference.

  • 10 minutes: Presenter Welcome/Introduction
  • 25 minutes: Opening Group Activity 
  • 25  minutes: Individual Reading and Journaling  
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 15 minutes: Group Share on Reading  
  • 35 minutes: Facilitated Lecture and Discussion
  • 10 minutes: Break
  • 45 minutes: Action Planning   
  • 5 minutes: Closing