The 2024 ARL Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives (IDEAL) Conference will be held July 15–17, 2024 in Toronto, hosted by nine university libraries in Ontario, Canada. The theme of the conference is Sustainable Resistance and Restoration in Global Communities.
This event intends to bring together 750 members of the library and archive community to explore the knowledge, awareness, skills, and attitudes needed to effectively navigate the complexities and opportunities specific to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and justice.
Sponsors play a pivotal role in improving the general experience of participants making it possible for attendees to engage in high quality learning while enjoying a unique conference experience. Joining IDEAL as a sponsor can create and drive your brand awareness while promoting the work, mission, and values of your audience to an international audience.
We invite you to explore the 2024 IDEAL Sponsorship opportunities. For questions, please connect with us at
Conference Sponsor Benefits
- Opportunity to address the main session audience for a five-minute, non-commercial welcome message to attendees from an organization executive
- Five complimentary full attendee registrations (non-transferable)
- Verbal recognition during all attendee main program sessions
- One 60-minute session offered during the conference breakout schedule, held in a hotel meeting room and included on the conference schedule. ARL staff to assist with coordination
- Logo included on attendee tote bags (750)
- Logo included on conference volunteer t-shirts (170)
- Sponsor logo with link to website included on event website home page, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Sponsor logo included on conference branded signage and featured on main session event screens
- Sponsor acknowledgement in all attendee marquis e-communications
- Sponsor acknowledgement in a minimum of ten social media posts (pre, during and post event)
- Opportunity to address a breakout session audience for a two-minute, non-commercial welcome message from an organization representative
- Three complimentary full attendee registrations (non-transferable)
- Verbal recognition in the opening and closing sessions
- Sponsor logo with link to website included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Sponsor logo included on conference branded signage and featured on main session event screens
- Sponsor acknowledgement in all attendee marquis e-communications
- Sponsor acknowledgement in a minimum of five social media posts (pre, during and post event)
- Opportunity to display two pop-up style banners (provided by sponsor)
- Recognition as a workshop sponsor (determined by value)
- Two complimentary full attendee registrations (non-transferable)
- Verbal recognition in the opening session
- Sponsor logo with link to website included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Sponsor logo included on conference branded signage and featured on main session event screens
- Sponsor acknowledgement in all attendee marquis e-communications
- Sponsor acknowledgement in a minimum of three social media posts (pre, during and post event)
- Opportunity to display a pop-up style banner (provided by sponsor)
- Recognition as a break or breakfast sponsor (determined by value)
- One complimentary full attendee registration (non-transferable)
- Verbal recognition in the opening session
- Sponsor logo with link to website included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Sponsor logo featured on main session event screens
- Sponsor acknowledgement in a minimum of two social media posts (pre, during and post event)
- Opportunity to display a 2x3 poster board (provided by sponsor)
Participant Experience Sponsor Benefits
- One complimentary full attendee registration (non-transferable)
- Sponsor name in text included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Visual recognition in the opening session
- Sponsor acknowledgement in a minimum of one social media post (pre, during and post event)
- 50% discount on one full attendee registration (non-transferable)
- Sponsor name in text included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Visual recognition in the opening session
- Sponsor name in text included on event website, ARL website event page and event mobile app
- Visual recognition in the opening session
- Your sponsorship will directly benefit the participant experience, which includes the scholarship fund for under-resourced participants
- Supporter names in text included in the event mobile app
All figures in US$
Disclaimer: If the outlined sponsorship options don’t meet your particular needs, please let us know and we’d be happy to explore with you, to get the most out of the IDEAL Conference experience. Sponsorships are subject to final details outlined in the signed sponsorship agreement. ARL reserves the right to decline a potential sponsor for any reason including, but not limited to, a mission that is not consistent with ARL’s values or business practices.