LAC Session Type
Conducting Library Audits

Purpose & Goals

Audits identify how much of different items or spaces are within the library. They inform how things are being used and provide a baseline. Audits help to inform decision-making by determining if there is sufficient or if more needs to be added to the library. This presentation will have participants work on how they might conduct different types of audits. It will also describe the steps we took in each audit with the intent of showing things that worked well for us and pitfalls they might avoid.

Design & Methodology

The presentation will walk through 3 audits conducted at our library 1. Study Spaces and potential occupancy audits. 2. Library cart audit 3. Library Spaces audit. We will discuss commonalities among each audit as well as unique considerations for each audit.


Audits help to inform if there is sufficient amounts of items or spaces in the library. It informs decision-making to determine if adjustments need to be made. They also offer a baseline to determine how changes in library operations affected what was audited

Implications & Value

If a library wishes to conduct an audit, this presentation will help with the planning and carrying out the audit.

Assessment, Evaluation, audits, baselines