Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Session Type
Keeping Queer History Alive: Library Support for Sustainable Digital Research Projects

Sustainable resistance in the digital space requires expertise, relationships, and support. In our short presentation, we will introduce our 2SLGBTQ+ digital history project as a case study for why infrastructural and community support from a university library is so critical to ensure the sustainability of digital scholarship and the transmission of 2SLGBTQ+ Canadian history to future generations. Our digital humanities research project encodes historical content and bibliographic citations in TEI-XML. This format is easier to archive than a database or complex front end, making TEI-XML an ideal format for long-term preservation by libraries. We have also converted our XML into an online graph database containing 34,000 records. The publicly accessible web app that sits atop the database is starting to show its age, leading us to ask: Should we continue to the migrate the database and the project web app forward indefinitely, or should we move to a static site model, with iterative releases, to help ensure that the site can live on without constant technical upgrades? We will introduce our plans to apply principles for sustainability and longevity to help keep the stories of 2SLGBTQ+ liberation on the web. We will also outline the way that the university library’s interdisciplinary research hub facilitates digital scholarship of this kind, and creates the necessary community for having these crucial conversations about project longevity and long term preservation.
