Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Session Type
Pedagogical Practices for Sustainable DEIA and Anti-Racist Programs

World events prompted our MMLIS program to form a DEIA+AR Committee that developed actionable and sustainable interventions. After a year of engaging with our faculty, students, staff, and administration; the committee developed deliverables including a set of DEIA+ AR 46 pedagogical practice recommendations voted in by the Faculty unanimously. Because DEIA is being attacked in many US states, taking a pedagogical approach benefits all educators as a sustainable practice. We are proposing a workshop that shares the DEIA+AR pedagogies and has the audience participate in an activities-based exercise to generate innovative ideas for DEIA+AR pedagogies. DEIA+AR pedagogies are a sustainable practice that can have a broad impact and a way for librarians and educators to ensure DEIA+AR constructs are addressed consistently. The outcomes of our DEIA+AR pedagogies are actionable and outcome measures make them easily assessable. Each recommendation has an assessment cycle that will allow for growth for this evolving construct.
