A facilitated conversation on multi-racial identity in libraries (😷)
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
IDEAL Locations
Session Type

How do library workers with multi-racial identities (mixed and/or biracial), who present and identify in complex and nuanced ways incorporate this into the spaces they hold within libraries and the work within these organizations and institutions? Part affinity space, part sharing, part collaborative learning, this roundtable will provide an opportunity for racialized folks from any kind of library to hear from each other about how we do and don’t bring these contexts into the workplace through a structured and facilitated discussion. Recognizing that affinity spaces are essential for marginalized folks, and that the multiracial identities are diverse and difficult to define, conversing with others will aim to create community and a sense of belonging which are so often longed for within the workplace and beyond. A panel of librarians will bring some of their own stories to this space, how they navigate this, and why they feel it is important to highlight multiracial experiences.

Mask Requirements
Masks Expected
Bi-racial; multi-racial; mixed-identity; positionality; professional identity