Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Session Type
Lightning: 20 min
Lightning: "Reshaping an Academic Library DEI page: From Policy to Patron" and "Let’s Discuss That! Sustainable Resistance and Knowledge-Sharing for Library Staff"

"Reshaping an Academic Library DEI page: From Policy to Patron"

Natalie R. Kazmin, University of South Florida Libraries
Emily Zoe Mann, University of South Florida Nelson Poynter Library
Chris Sturgeon, University of South Florida

This session will present on the process to take an academic library DEI page from a list of policies to a patron focused portal for resources within and outside of the library. We will present on our ideation process including an exploratory review of other library DEI pages, information architecture, as well as the content creation and collaboration process. Through this session we hope to encourage other institutions to explore their own DEI pages and analyze who is being served by the current content and how the page can be transformed to a more impactful resource that serves the needs of the institution and patron. We will discuss complications of working within a larger institutional webpage as well as working with all stakeholders involved. Using consistent structure and defined goals for DEI pages can enable academic libraries with turnover and committee roll-offs to maintain ongoing updates and content creation that align with and reflect current DEI goals and initiatives. This presentation will demonstrate how designing academic library DEI pages with concise language, clear organization, and intuitive navigation improves accessibility and overall effectiveness. The aim of this project was to provide evidence of the active DEI work going on in our library, and focus on patron findability for these resources. DEI statements and policy are nothing without action; policy is nothing without the resources to make it actionable.

"Let’s Discuss That! Sustainable Resistance and Knowledge-Sharing for Library Staff"

Rita Soenksen, University of Iowa

In this lightning session, an academic librarian will present their experiences leading monthly discussions on various DEAI topics for over a year at their home institution. This fast-paced and informative session will include the genesis of the discussion group, successes and growth opportunities experienced, as well as how to recreate similar discussion groups in your own library. Topic generation, presentation options, and suggestions for building shared ownership and vulnerability will also be addressed. Supplementary resources - including some take-homes - will be provided to attendees to serve as inspiration and customizable models for this DEAI work. Time to reflect on your library’s specific needs will wrap up the session, energizing attendees to enact these discussion groups when they return to their library homes.

Strategic Planning and Policymaking