Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Session Type
General: 60 min
Exploring Workplace Inclusivity Through The Lenses of Climate, Employee Engagement, and Belonging

A library’s internal climate influences employee morale, retention, and performance. Effectively fostering employee diversity, equity, and inclusivity requires a more systematic, holistic, and long-range approach that incorporates two well-researched, but rarely assessed dimensions of inclusivity: employee engagement and belonging. Inclusion focuses on behaviors and looks at DEIB issues from the employer's perspective. Belonging focuses on feelings and reflects the employee's perspective. Engagement is also behavior-focused and examines employees’ levels of participation in the myriad of interactions that make our workplaces flow. Surveys such as ClimateQUAL offer a snapshot of a library’s climate and identify areas for improvement and enhancement. However, there are currently no measures of employee engagement and belonging that have been developed and validated specifically in the library context. We will engage participants in an interactive experience that aims to help them understand and describe the relationship between an organization’s ecosystem around employee belonging, engagement, and its climate for diversity. This presentation will be valuable for library leaders, employee supervisors, HR staff, and anyone interested in helping foster a healthy organizational ecosystem.

Sustainable Practices