Full Name
Ciji Heiser
Position Title
Founder; Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
Co-Creating Action and American University
Speaker Bio
Ciji Heiser is the founder of Co-Creating Action, and a seasoned professional in educational research methodology. She teaches antiracist methodologies at American University and contemporary issues in higher education at New England College. With degrees from Bucknell University, Kent State University, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Ciji is renowned for her award-winning research and expertise, advocating for equity and social justice. She has led assessment, evaluation, and strategic planning initiatives across sectors. Recently, Ciji contributed to US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants supporting underrepresented students in STEM and conducted qualitative research on factors influencing students’ choices in pursuing postsecondary education. Currently, she collaborates on reducing racial disparities in prison diversion programs across Illinois and is researching how policies shape equity work across a state system of community colleges. As a volunteer, Ciji co-leads the Grand Challenges in Higher Education plan, leveraging data to promote equity. She also shared her expertise as a faculty member at the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Assessment Institute and as past-chair of the Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL).
Ciji Heiser