LAC Session Type

Purpose & Goals

Libraries are pivotal in fostering education and research across various disciplines. Serving as reservoirs of knowledge, these libraries offer essential resources and support to students, researchers, and the broader community. This research delves into the crucial aspect of assessing the viability of libraries and their impact on human capacity development in selected private and public universities in the south-west of Nigeria. The study scrutinized factors such as funding, resources, services, and users’ patronage to gauge the effectiveness and sustainability of these libraries in promoting human capacity development. The importance of a thorough assessment of these libraries is to identify areas for improvement and ensure continuous contribution to human capacity development. This study examined the funding models of the libraries to determine if there is a need for additional financial support. Also, evaluate the availability and accessibility of resources to meet the needs of students and researchers. Furthermore, assessing service efficacy and user satisfaction would provide valuable insights into areas that may require attention, such as staff training and facility upgrades. By addressing these challenges, these libraries can enhance their effectiveness and continue to serve as invaluable resources for knowledge acquisition and research in Nigeria. Thus, the study examined the following questions:

  1. How does the visibility of libraries impact human capacity development among professional certified librarians in South-West Nigeria?
  2. What are the differences in library visibility between private universities and public universities in South-West Nigeria?
  3. Are there any differences in the impact of library visibility on human capacity development based on the size or location of the library?
  4. What strategies can be implemented to enhance the visibility of libraries and improve human capacity development in private and public universities in South-West Nigeria?

Design & Methodology

The study employed the quantitative research method. The study conducted literature review to gather existing information on viability of libraries on human capacity development focused on answering the set questions. The study targeted professional certified librarians, utilizing a purposive sampling technique. The use of this method was based on relevant characteristics such as geographical location, expertise, work experience and qualification in selecting seventy-two (72) respondents from two privately owned and five public universities in South-West Nigeria. sourced through the academic librarian contacts list. Data collection involved a well-designed questionnaire, and the data analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.


The findings revealed insights into the visibility of the libraries on human capacity development in selected private and public universities in South-West, Nigeria. 22(30%) of the respondents from the two private owned universities and 10(14%) each from the public universities affirmed that visibility of libraries in South-West Nigeria plays a crucial role in impacting human capacity development among in the selected private and public in South-west, Nigeria. The respondents were specific that adequate funding, availability and accessibility to resources, quality service delivery and users’ patronage are key factors that influence the viability of libraries and capacity development of librarians' skills and knowledge. Furthermore, it was revealed that training and acquisition of technical skills are germen in order to improve service delivery, get innovative and disseminate cutting edge information in the era of digital advancement. The study also observed that the private universities are usually self funded through students tuitions whereas, the public universities get funding from the state and federal governments. Thus, private university libraries acquire resources based on the capacity of funds within their reach, while public university libraries gets government support in the acquisition of their resources. However, it was observed from the respondents that private university libraries maintain standards as expected by the National Universities Commission unlike the public universities due to lack of appropriate management standards. Understanding how these elements shape the learning environment within libraries can provide valuable insights into improving human capacity development strategies for librarians in the region.

Action & Impact

The findings for this research requires active implementation by library and universities stakeholders, school administrators and information professionals. Libraries play a vital role in facilitating knowledge acquisition among students and faculty members in academic institutions by providing access to a wide range of resources such as books, journals, and online databases. implementing the findings can help promote critical thinking skills by encouraging users to evaluate information, think critically about sources, and develop research skills. The availability of library resources greatly impacts research skills development among university students and researchers, enhancing their ability to conduct thorough research and contribute to academic discourse. furthermore, University administrators can utilize the findings of this research to understand the importance of investing in library resources. By increasing funding for libraries, administrators can ensure that students and faculty have access to updated materials and technology, ultimately improving the quality of education and research at their institution.

Practical Implications & Value

The broader implications of libraries in fostering human capacity development within educational institutions are significant, as they serve as hubs for learning, collaboration, and innovation that contribute to the overall growth and success of individuals within the academic community

Funding, human capacity development, resources, services, , viability