LAC Session Type
A Year at a Glance: Implementing Manageable, Scalable Annual Reviews

Purpose & Goals

This poster will provide insight into the development of University Canada West Library’s annual review process as well as the accompanying data analysis and reporting infrastructure created to support reaccreditation. University Canada West’s 2022 Cyclical Program Review self-study identified a number of areas for improvement with the library’s data collection processes. In preparation for the Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB) re-accreditation, the library has engaged in an ongoing project to identify/fill gaps in data collection, cultivate a culture of assessment among staff, and analyze data. The project will culminate in a “Year at a Glance” narrative report of the 2023-2024 academic year data to be shared with Library staff and interdepartmental stakeholders and serve as a pilot for establishing subsequent annual reporting processes.Design & Methodology    This project draws on self-study methodology from various sources, including: DQAB Organization Review Self Study Criteria; the 2022 UCW self-study criteria; the CARL Library Impact Framework, a literature review of assessment in academic library environments. In addition, this project will utilize Power BI for data analysis and visualization, as well as a scan of existing data collection and reporting procedures in place within UCW Library.

Action & Impact

An interdepartmental review of the "Year at a Glance" annual report will inform adjustments needed to data collection, reporting, and/or services ahead of DQAB review. Routine annual reports will be scheduled for 2024-25 academic year and beyond in an effort to ensure internal standards are maintained, offer evidence to support responsive changes to library services, and streamline future university self-studies and external reviews. Continuous improvement and use of business metrics are core values of UCW as an institution that focuses on MBA degrees. By proactively initiating this project we demonstrate the library’s alignment with the University and offer a point of reference for other parts of the university community looking to strengthen their assessment process.

Practical Implications & Value

I’m interested in sharing the process and framework of establishing annual reporting infrastructure that may help inform similar projects at other academic libraries. As DQAB criteria aligns largely with standards upheld by accreditation boards such as NWCCU regarding library related services, there are a number of aspects of this project that are applicable to academic libraries across the United States and Canada. We appreciate the opportunity to share and learn from the community of library assessment. Our library uses self-designed reporting forms and data analysis dashboards, and I’m eager to share the work I’ve done with Power BI for anyone who may be interested in or using the software.

Library metrics, Data collection, Data analysis