Full Name
Lyric Grimes
UNC Chapel
Speaker Bio
I am a first-year Ph.D. student from Lexington, Kentucky. I am pursuing a doctoral degree from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In 2022, I completed my Master of Library Science degree from UNC. I hold a B.A. in Mandarin Chinese with a minor in Comparative American Studies and Gender Studies from Oberlin College. I have been honored with several awards throughout my career, including the Gates Millennium Scholarship and the Maynard Adams Public Humanities Fellowship. I am also an American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leader. My research revolves around trauma-informed library services. I aim to provide patrons a comfortable and safe environment by minimizing potential trauma caused by the library's services or spaces. Additionally, I am interested in the power of "culturally conscious" picture books and bibliotherapy in trauma treatment. I am passionate about improving library services and spaces for all patrons.
Lyric Grimes