Full Name
Maha Kumaran
University of Saskatchewan
Speaker Bio
Dr. Kumaran is the liaison librarian for the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. She is also a member of the Collections and Discovery division at the Library and led the inclusive collections working group. One of Kumaran’s primary academic interests, expertise, and activities revolves around marginalized populations who work at and use academic libraries. Apart from serving or leading EDI committees within her library and institution, Dr. Kumaran served as the first visiting program officer for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group. Dr. Kumaran graduated from the Association of Research Libraries’ Library and Career Development Program (March 2020 – October 2021). She is keen on giving back to the profession and is currently serving as the vice chair of the Leadership and Career Development Program Task Force.
Maha Kumaran