Full Name
Vashalice Kaaba
Florida State University
Speaker Bio
Vashalice Kaaba is an accomplished academic and researcher, currently excelling as a Ph.D. candidate in Information Studies at Florida State University. Her academic focus revolves around Children's Literature, Critical Literary Theory, and Emerging Data Technology within library services. Deeply invested in the critical analysis of literary content, her research primarily explores the themes of exploitation and inherent racism in classic children's literature and investigates the accessibility of libraries for marginalized communities. In her role as Virtual Teaching Lead for the U.S. Embassy Tunis, Vashalice mentors Tunisian university students in English teaching, showcasing her dedication to education and skill in fostering international academic connections. Her scholarly contributions are notable, with publications and presentations addressing significant topics such as anti-blackness in Newbery award-winning books and the representation of African American Vernacular English in children's literature. Vashalice's academic journey is distinguished by her unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is reflected in her roles as a teaching assistant and her active participation in panels and invited talks on these crucial themes. Her blend of technical skills and a strong understanding of critical literary theory positions her as a valuable contributor to the field of information studies and education.
Vashalice Kaaba