Closing Plenary: Suspending Disbelief: A Practice for Collective Change
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 6:20 PM - 7:00 PM
IDEAL Locations
Grand Ballroom
Session Type

The library and archive community are at the forefront of social change, and currently positioned to reimagine our collective relationship with our history, our future and our potential. The closing plenary session will reflect on the urgency of this work in the current socio-political climate, the history of Black-led movements to protect access to literacy and archives, the role of remembering to foster a better future, and the discipline of suspending disbelief to foster a more radical and just future.

In this session, Nicole will provide actionable ways not just for participants to resource themselves, but mobilize their communities to collectively face criticism and pushback on their work, and create space to absorb and apply these techniques to what they gleaned from the conference experience.

Nicole invites participants to use this space for inspiration, remembrance, and reflection, and holds it in honor of the voices around the world whose cultural works contributed to social movements but have been lost or destroyed by colonization, censorship destruction, or displacement.
