Supporting student wellbeing in the library: our first year with the Wellness Desk
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
IDEAL Locations
Sheraton E
Session Type


Over the past few years, Carleton's Health and Wellness services have seen an unprecedented increase in demand along with a rise in the complexity of concerns presented by students. With this in mind, Carleton’s Wellness Desk opened in September 2023. A partnership between the MacOdrum Library and the Office of the Associate Vice President Student Health and Wellness, the Wellness Desk is a space for students to drop in, learn about available supports both on and off campus, and decompress during stressful times. Overseen by a Wellness Coordinator as well as a team of dedicated student staff, this service point has been a welcome addition to the Library and to the wider Carleton community. This poster will describe the Wellness Desk service model, how it came to be, and what we’ve learned along the way.

student wellness, mental health, inclusion