Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Session Type
Sin Miedo: Revolution, Resistance, and Women from the Benson Latin American Collection

This session aims to uncover stories of revolutionary women from Latin American descent through primary materials and artistic expressions,Stories are often narrated through the perspective of those in power, silencing hidden figures that have positively impacted their communities. From the military dictatorship in Chile, the Mexican Revolution, and the Texas border, there are hidden stories centered around women, resiliency, and public defiance. By using the Benson Latin American Collection’s extensive archive, we hope to showcase women’s histories of resistance, restoration, and community-building in times of revolution and conflict in Latin American and the United States. Some of the Benson materials that we plan to exhibit include an arpillera – a colored patchwork – made by Chilean women to defy the country’s dictatorship, fotonovelas or graphic novels that depict the Mexican revolution through the lens of Nellie Campobello, and photographs outlining Latine social movements in the US.
