Modalities of Wellness in Academic Libraries: Looking Back and Ahead
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
IDEAL Locations
Sheraton E
Session Type

My poster will present upon the projects that I completed at (redacted) library in relation to wellness and mental health promotion since 2020. The poster will highlight elements about book collection and selection of titles for a digital and physical library of accessible and diverse titles on topics of mental health, wellness, and community. In a second quadrant, the poster will explain our physical events and collaborations on campus. The third quadrant will focus on tabling and regional campus opportunities for outreach, as well as feedback received from users. Finally, the fourth quadrant of the poster will look ahead at the “what if” scenarios. If we had enough time and funding, what are some other modalities of wellness and mental health to include in academic libraries? I will include suggestions for spaces that welcome neuroatypical students, as well as other possible areas of focus for space in the library that incorporate movement into students’ study time. This poster will be divided into four sections and will include opportunities for feedback and discussion. There will be a white space of paper where attendees can tally their favorite new ideas.

mental health, wellness, students, staff, programming