Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Session Type
General: 60 min
We Got the Receipts: Navigating Reimbursement Culture in Academic Librarianship

While some institutions have begun focusing on inclusive hiring, there still remain structural barriers that impact candidates' ability to apply for academic opportunities. In particular, reimbursement culture upholds a number of systemic inequities and exclusionary practices. Additionally, the unpaid time investment that goes into the job search and campus visits, candidates may have to invest their own funds up front during the interview and relocation process. This can present extraordinary financial hardships, sometimes preventing candidates from considering and accepting positions. New hires may also be wary of pursuing professional development opportunities—despite their necessity in achieving promotion/tenure—due to the financial burdens they may face in doing so. In other words, reimbursement culture may prevent some from even considering the prospect of academic library careers more broadly. This presentation aims to interrogate the inequity of reimbursement culture within academic librarianship. While institutions may claim commitments to equity, reimbursement culture presents barriers for those of different socioeconomic statuses, BIPOC communities impacted by a historical lack of generational wealth, and those devoid of the privileges to fund themselves in order to succeed. The presenters will share their initial study findings and insights for advocating for more equitable financial support structures and opportunities for libraries to implement them.
